Graphic Art © Iced Gem

We had been steadily gaining altitude since leaving
Phoenix two hours prior. No longer saguaro, chollas,
and devil's claws dotting the countryside, but plains
giving way to pinon and junipers. Montezuma's Castleup
ahead. "Isn't that where the mummy is of one
of the ancient tribes?" "No, not anymore!"
came a gruff reply. "I thought as a child I
saw one there." " You did, it's in cold
storage at WACC in Tucson now" came the reply.
The journey continued up the highway in silence.
We continued the climb up the mountain, pass the
turn off for Sedona. We neared Munds Lake exit and
my heart took a giant leap. Looming with majestic
beauty, with a crown of Spring snow, was the San
Francisco Peaks. Small wisps of clouds gently brushing
her face, as if a mother was kissing her newborn
child. Not knowing how or why, but just because,
it seemed important to me. Excitement grew the closer
to Flag we got. Anticipation for camping, fishing,
or being out of the desert did not and could not
explain the churning in my solar plexus that day.
Out of Flagstaff, we headed towards Cameron. The
trees gave way to sand and rock. "Moonscape"
the only words out of my traveling companion's mouth.
I pondered the horizon, where my fellow companion
saw only barren sand and rock- an alien moon- I
saw a thing of beauty.
The land runs flat, than gives way to chasms of
color. A rainbow of pinks, black, turquoise, and
greens that nature reveals with the runoff of rain
and the breath of the wind. The colors are magical,
casting spells upon your eyes. Look out upon the
horizon that changes colors with movement, almost
every moment. It's joy! Just envision walking the
base of the mesas and having the sands run through
your toes, warm and as sensuous as warm oil rubbed
on your feet by a warm fire, alive with multicolored
lights. How could this be moonscape!
Bitter Springs, time to turn off the main road.
My traveling companion was getting excited for now
Vermilon Cliffs, giving rise to the Paria Plateau
,was on the horizon. There he knew the Colorado
River would bare him rainbow trout, male companionship,
and a campsite. I saw the cliffs from a different
view point.
Not the end of a trip, from across an alien moon,
but to a home. Home to a canyon that breathes a
life, a spirit. Colors too bold to be placed on
an ordinary palate, but rather used to dress the
queen's body in the best finery, as she rises from
her bath. Fresh, beautiful, ready to greet the animals,
and provide them with another day of her bounty.
A gift of beauty to enjoy!
© SappyStar
6 June 2003
All works are copyrighted
to the Artist and used with permission