Graphic © I G Kahler 2002

He never heard the deafening explosion of the lightning
bolt. For a split second he felt the wave of energy,
lifting, propelling him backwards
His conscious mind suddenly free from its fleshly
bearer, floated just above the scene, as a neutral
observer with no connections. A blank page waiting
to be written. Only a sense of wonder at the observed
surroundings existed.
As if in slow motion he watched as the white-hot
streak from the heavens enter the top of the figures
head, flinging him backwards from the tall aluminum
ladder he had been standing on, while the energy exited
both feet, blowing his smoldering shoes off. He saw
the figure slam into the ground, the body jerking
and convulsing from the muscle contractions
Red lights flashed, sirens screamed, men in white
jackets loaded the limp figure into the ambulance.
As if connected by an invisible leash, the conscious
followed into the ambulance, still observing in wonderment
mens voices with the sirens scream continuing
limp figure would jerk each time
jagged line on the small monitor
from the ambulance
..more people, all talking
at once, some yelling orders to others
conscious followed, observing from just above as the
crowd quickly moved down the corridor to another room
filled with instrumentation
.more jagged
lines, people talking, always talking
new people came, dressed differently, crying, all
crying. Still no sense of recognition to the observing
conscious but
.something vague, familiar?
4 months later
Mr. Travis has been comatose for four months
now said the Doctor into the phone receiver.
There has been no response to the neural tests.
The Research Foundation would like to perform surgical
exploratory of the brain before discontinue life support.
Two more weeks and the family will sign the release
forms? Excellent!
The observing conscious had no concept of the passage
of time. Day after day, night after night the same
people would come and go, making routine checks.
During daytime the other familiar people would come
and try to speak to the prone figure, with no response,
as always they would cry
One night everything changed when she came into the
room. A very small and young girl, quite different
from all the others. Her skin was so pale, almost
transparent white. He could see the tiny blue blood
veins and vessels just beneath the surface of her
thin skin. Her fine thin strands of light brown hair
fell to her shoulders. Her eyes were so bright, emerald
green, as if tiny lamps glowed in each one. They were
filled with a look of wonder and pure innocence.
Hello she beamed with a radiant smile
Im Moon Child, would you like to take
a walk with me? Ill show you the most magical
place in the world!
A sense of question and wonder filled him as he realized
she could see him and speak to him.
She wore a full length white nightgown with designs
of blue flowers around the neckline. Cradled safely
in her left arm was a small brown stuffed bear with
a pattern of musical note symbols decorating the front
of it.
This is Moonlight! she said as she extended
her right hand to him. He instinctively reached out
and took her hand in his. He looked in a sense of
amazement at the tiny white hand, it felt warm and
he could feel her faint pulse beating through the
thin skin. She giggled at his reaction, come
along she spoke as she led him out the door
. He followed down the long corridor at the end of
which was a doorway, closed with red tape and white
lettering prohibiting its use. She led him as
they glided through the door into a fantasy world
It was night with a full moon overhead. A pathway
wound its way through a strange garden, with
all sorts of exotic blooming plants lining both sides
of the ancient pathway, worn smooth by its use
through the ages. She giggled her wee impish laugh
and said See! I told you! Come along!
Farther down the path were hundreds of varying colors
of butterflys, flitting from flower to flower
in the incandescent light of the full overhead moon.
Watch! she said as she held out her hands
to have the covered with butterflys , dancing
in circles and fluttering their wings. She laughed
gleefully their feet tickles she said
as she renewed with another burst giggling laughter.
Here she said extending her butterfly
laden hands toward him. He offered his hands palms
up as a half-dozen of the winged creatures flitted
to his palms, resuming their graceful circular dancing.
Their tickling feet brought a stir to his insides,
he felt himself smile.
As they wandered hand in hand down the path they
came to an opening where swirls of mist danced in
the moonlight. In the midst of the ethereal beauty
of the flowers, butterflys and mist were the
abutment piers of a bridge. It was most eloquently
designed with carvings in the piers and along the
hand rails. He noticed a plaque inset into one of
the piers, a carved music sheet, elaborately decorated
with the words at the top MOONLIGHT.
They sat by the end of the bridge and she began to
tell him stories. Stories of the Creator, the heavens,
the planets, deep oceans and the creatures that dwelt
therein, of faraway land with strange creatures that
hop on their back legs and carry their young in pouches,
other lands with huge animals with gray wrinkled skin
and long noses that they drink from
Each night she would come and take him back to Moonlight
Bridge where they would once again smell the intoxicating
scent of the flowers, play with the butterflys
and more and more stories. What had been a blank page
conscious began to fill, pages, chapters, books. The
observing conscious began to reason for its
self, to think to feel emotions
He watched one day as the family returned to visit,
to try to communicate with the comatose figure. As
he watched the woman hold the hand of the lifeless
figure and watched her tears flow once more, he felt
a deep sorrow inside, and then they came in waves
,the memories. He suddenly felt very heavy, a great
discomfort of pain throughout his being. He pushed
the feelings away only to have them return more and
more frequently. He would push them away and long
for Moon Child and her nightly visit.
The family insists on another full neurological
workup Dr. before they will sign the release papers
As the Dr. viewed the reports with the lab technicians
This is impossible!
.are you
sure the equipment wasnt malfunctioning?
more brain activity than possible considering
the neural damage
..the brain must have
recircuited its self somehow
Moon Child came as usual that night and again they
played in the garden and talked by the bridge, but
some how he sensed something was about to change .
She stood at the end of the bridge and told him a
different story
She handed the stuffed bear to him, he accepted it,
his face a question. I want you to have him
to remember me by. she said It is time
for me to cross the bridge. You must go back alone.
He felt he would explode with frustration, fear and
every other emotion she had helped him rediscover.
For the first time in months he tried to speak
the sound of his voice came as a dry rasp from vocal
chords not used in months. He tried again, louder
please Moonchild
leave me ! his dried voice crackled in fear
and emotion.
:You will be O K now. she smiled ..we
will meet again when it comes your time to cross the
bridge. she leaned forward and kissed him lightly
on the cheek, good bye and be strong.
He felt himself being pulled, drawn backward down
the path. He tried to resist, to no avail , his voice
rasped again and again,
He felt as if he had been suddenly slammed back into
his body at great speed. The sense of heaviness was
intense and the dull ache and pain throbbed with every
beat of his heart. The light in the room was blinding,
..hands on him
..he realized he was
struggling against his confinements. Quickly exhausted
from months of inactivity, mercifully he lapst into
semi-conscious state.
He awoke to the Dr.s voice and the dull throb
of pain. Welcome back to the land of the living
Mr. Travis. Weve notified your family ,they
are on their way. Youre some what of a modern
miracle, you were struck by lightning four months
Where is she? he rasped
Who? asked the Doctor
Moon Child
He awoke later , two nurses were adjusting his monitors
and talking, thinking he was still asleep. What
a rush this morning, huh? At the same time Mr. Travis
awoke the leukemia patient flatlined.
The little Bridges girl?
Yes, Monica Bridges, the one we called Moon
Child. So sad ,and tragic, only six
Whats this? bending down to pick
something up from the floor, this looks just
like the one
Mine! he said hoarsely, a farewell
reaching for the stuffed bear ,taking
it and clutching it to his chest with all his diminished
strength. Waves of cold chills washed up and down
the nurses bodies
Tears, seemingly scalding hot to the insides of his
eyelids began to flow from long dormant tear ducts.
His chest began to heave in great wailing sobs, in
between the nurses heard him say weakly,
you Moon Child
..for bringing me home
for now
..Moonlight bridge
© Mysticwolf 2002