Graphic © Iced
Gem 2003

The Shaman
had told me I was the chosen one, that I must journey
up the valley of shadows, climb the great cliffs
where the Earth Mother bleeds, walk the great snow
fields, travel beyond and even higher to the great
spires of ice. There I would search the ice canyons
until I found the Spirit.
I would then free the Spirit of the greening season,
"What would she look like?" I asked.
"How would I know her?"
And most importantly, " How would I free her?"
"You will know all these things when you find
her, all questions will be answered" he said.
Each year a warrior was chosen and sent out never
to return. But the Spirit of the greening season
would soon arrive signaling the warriors triumph
and his sacrifice.
An so with my provision pack of dried meat, nuts
and dried berries, I set out.
I stopped at the entrance of the valley of shadows
looking, listening as so many before me must have
done, but the darkness would reveal no secrets.
It is said you're lifes deeds await you in the valley.
That only you would know what lies in wait there
for you. Some before had failed to enter the valley
from fear and were banished from the people. Banishment
here means certain death. I felt no fear. Yes I
had spilled blood as a warrior, but it was for the
defence of my people, justified. There were times
when I could have killed but did not, and when I
did , there was no enjoyment, only a sense of duty.
Useing stealth I advanced into the darkness. Prickly
vines clung to me, trying to intwine me. The ground
itself tried to suck me down, I dared not stand
in one spot for long. The dark skelitons of dead
trees, moved, moaned and their branches reached
for me.
Then there were the voices, ones I had heard before,
missleading, moans and sighs I had heard before
on the battlefield.
Then I felt the hands, some icy cold, clawing, ripping,
except for the one hand in mine , warm, caring,
leading me through the shadows. This hand I knew
from childhood, my mothers.
The darkness began to give way to a faint blue light.
The landscape was like a dream of blue swirling
mists. The ground was more solid. The voices had
stopped, except for one last whisper, "...go
my son, you no longer need me, fullfill you're duty
to the tribe....."
The full moon illuminated the blue, misty landscape
and the ancient path at my feet.
In the far hazy distance I could see the green cliffs
rising skyward with the veins off crimson spreading
down the sides.....where the Earth Mother bleeds..............
to Chapter 2...............
© Mysticwolf 14 June 2003
© Skyangel