Graphic © Iced Gem 2003

I awoke lying on my back stareing
into a dark sky. Cold winds buffeted my numb, aching
body. I some how sat upright looking around. By
some force unknown to me I had made it to the top,
before or after I' d lost consciousness I do not
no. But I was here, alive , for now,.....and much
more trecherousground to cover to reach the Spirit
in the ice.
Behind me lay a white plane of snow
, receding into the horizon, beautifuly pristine
and unmarred.The moonlight sent glittering sparkles
off the surface. It's effect was dangerously hypnotic.I
arose stiff and numb. A voice inside said,"
you must keep moving, to stop now is to perish..."
I began walking toward the endless
horizon, slowly at first but getting faster and
stronger as my muscleswarmed.I chewed more of the
dried meat as I fell into the rhythm of my steady
pace. I quenched my thirst with bites of the pure
cold snow, but only a little, too much would chill
my insides. I trudged onward for what seemed like
hours as I watched the full moon cross the night
sky. I sang to myself, told stories, thought of
childhood memories, anything to take my mind off
my aching leg muscles and numb feet. At last, a
thin lineof pink light began to form on the horizon.
I concentrated on the thin ribbon of changing light
untill the suns edge burst over the horizon sending
myriads of colors streaming through what looked
like towers of clear ice!
I stopped for the first time in hours
and stared at the beauty that spread before me,
increasingly brightand rippling with rainbows of
color, moving as if a living thing. Shakeing myself
from the trance I renewed my march with a prayer
song in my heart. Yet the nagging questions kept
returning , where, how....
The wind had gotten stronger and
colder than any I had ever felt. I increased my
pace knowing full well that this may be the last
day of my life. If I could not find and free the
Spirit by nightfall I would surely freezeto death
in those spires of ice. Only this day to search
without even knowing where or what to look for.I
ate more of my provisions knowing there would be
no time later and that strength would be needed.
I reached the first of the shorter
mounds of white ice ,grateful that the tormenting
winds were beggining to subside.I made my way up
the first of wide crevasses, looking ,hoping, but
it quickly narrowed then stopped at a dead end.
Retracing my steps I climbed higher and followed
another canyon with sheer walls of clear ice reaching
endlessly to the sky. The reflecting lights and
colors played tricks on the eyes. Shadows moved,
but no sounds made except my own heavy vapor steam
breathing and the crunch of my footsteps that sounded
like thunder in the vast stillness.Holding my breath
I could hear many faint groans and creaking sounds
as if I were inside a living thing. Was it....couldit
be.....the heart beat of the earth?.....or the courseing
of blood pounding in my own ears?
I sped up my movments, up one ice
crevass and down another, climbing slipping, falling
on the hard ice again and again.I knew the days
light was fading fast. I felt frantic for the first
time in my warriors life. I felt afraid.....afraid
of failing the tribe.I knew I was to die and accepted
that, but to do so without freeing the Spirit of
the greening season, of Spring,.....could mean death
for the tribe in an endless winter.
Suddenly my legs would move no more.I
was at the end of a long canyon that spread out
into a circle unlike any of the others.Darkness
was falling fast......I began to remember my past
life..........as a child......my parents, grandparents.......and
mostly Takeena.......my childhood love.....my only
love. I thought of my life as a warrior, vowed not
to love butto protect. Most warriors would eventually
leave the path, take a mate, have children. But
not I.....I had shunned Takeena...for the warriors
path, only to see her die the following spring in
an enemy raid.......with an arrow in her chest.....saying
my name over and over.
I had failed.My life was fading with
the fast sinking sun. A strange thing happened.......I
let go....in my life I had no memories of sheading
tears......as a woman......or a child......it was
forbidden by the warriors code. But the tears began............hot
,stinging tears,...followed by sobs, .......becoming
great wales of racking sobs from my chest.......the
echoing, reverberating sounds were deafining in
the ice chamber........I cried for a wasted life........for
Takeena.......for the children we never had.......I
let go........my life was over........
A warm touch on my shoulder returned
my awareness. I turned slowly to see a radiant maiden
in a pure white leather dress, a warm glow of light
all around her. She wore a wreath of flowers around
her forhead and tender smile on her face.
She spoke,"Warrior. It is time
for you to go home now. Home where you belong. You
have freed yourself and in so doing, have freed
me. You're warriors tears have melted the frozen
bands that held me."
I could not speak. She raised her
hand and pointed. My eyes followed her pointing
hand and finger to see that thesolid wall of ice
had opened into a passageway with pure, warm sunlight
streaming through. Beyond the passage I saw fields
of flowers and green grass, a tipi village in the
distance and there at the opening of the passage
stood Takeena.She was young and more beautiful than
I can remember.
"Go to her, Warrior!" the
Spirit spoke. " Have the life you deserve.
You have brought honor and favor to you're people."The
cold faded from my body as a feeling of joy and
love spread through me as I moved through the passage
and Takeena's hand and mine touched................................
© Mysticwolf 2003