( For Ali )

I walked by at first,
Not seeing in the crowd;
Not noticing for my pre-occupation;
Not caring for I was cold;
And not looking for the special,
but merely to survive.
No room for silk,
No want for anything delicate.

Daily I walked by
Not taking any notice,
Or little, thinking
Nothing remains so pure
For long; so lovely;
So giving; so unselfish;
So beautiful; so kind.

Then one day this Rose
spoke to me, directly,
choosing me; calling me;
asking me to look;
to notice;
to care;
to love.

I did then look
And saw what
I could not believe
existed still.
A rose so full of life;
And beauteous in full bloom;
Loving who and where she was;
Loving who and where I was;
Making me look at her,
Then at me.

I opened my heart to her.
In her, I found life, love,
joy, friendship, appreciation,
beauty, unselfishness,
caring, tolerance, acceptance, and peace.

And then the Rose was gone.
Oh cruel life! You have not won!
The lessons of The Silken Rose will never be forgotten!
© Volfie
November 2003

Graphic © Skyangel
Backgrounds ©
Kittys Graphics