The
opressive
heat
of
the
night
reached
unforgivingly
through
to
the
floor
of
the
jungle.
High
above
in
the
canopy
of
the
sky.....
almost
among
the
stars
it
would
seem,
riding
the
air
in
lazy
circle;
the
hawk
and
the
eagle
chased
each
other
playfully.
by
the
early
evening
light
of
the
moon,
the
lake
shone
as
a
mirror
as
if
to
hide
its
secrets
in
the
depths
beyond
The
tiger
looked
up
and
slowly
rose
to
his
feet,
As
a
familiar
scent
passed
over
his
senses.
Even
the
shimmering
lake
seemed
to
still
itself
as
the
tigers
lips
drew
back
over
his
teeth
in
a
hateful
snarl..
The
hawk
and
the
eagle
ceased
their
playful
soaring
and
dived
gracefully
and
silently
down
over
the
lake,
to
halt
their
passage
in
a
nearby
tree,
where
they
looked
down
at
the
tiger
curiously.
But
he
did
not
see
them
or
care,
for
his
blazing
eyes
burned
at
the
young
tiger
who
deliberately
approached
him
with
all
of
the
arrogance
of
his
first
encounter.
Across
the
lake
the
panther
turned
to
wake
from
her
escape
from
the
heat
of
the
day,
to
the
sound
of
a
challenging
roar.
Without
thought
she
set
out...
leaping
over
brush
and
flower
scattering
the
leaves
and
creatures
so
small
in
her
way.
She
knew
well
the
disdainful
cry
of
the
tiger,
And
that
this
could
be
a
battle
to
the
death.
The
two
massive
tigers
circled
each
other
...
the
squirrel
shook
her
head,
laughed
at
their
burning
eyes,
thouigh
he
wisely
retreated
to
avoid
those
swift
deadly
sharp
claws.
The
eagle
and
the
hawk
looked
knowingly
at
each
other
and
at
the
old
owls
awakening
warning;
decided
to
keep
their
place;
above
and
away
from
the
inevitable
dust
and
fur
that
will
scatter
all
around
in
an
enshrouding
cloud...
disguising
poorly;
the
ferocity
of
the
battle.
The
panther
reached
the
clearing,
and
gently
called
out
to
the
tiger
but
she
was
too
late.
Blood
lust
had
built
an
inferno
in
the
hearts
of
both
tigers
and
they
neither
saw
or
heard
her.
The
hawk
dived
down
over
the
panthers
head
and
with
a
warning
skree
to
keep
her
place,
returned
to
her
high
branch,
yet
the
panther
indifferently
followed
her
retreat,
her
gaze
now
back
to
the
tiger.
In
the
instant
that
all
eyes
where
on
the
panther;
the
old
tiger
charged
the
challenger
with
a
ferocity
that
startled
them
all.
Having
looked
away
for
that
short
moment
at
the
eyes
of
the
panther,
the
young
tiger
was
knocked
from
his
stance,
and
he
howled
in
horror
and
pain,
as
his
face
was
laid
open
and
bled
profusely.
Trying
desperately
now,
to
regain
his
senses,
through
the
pain
and
blur
of
his
opponents
lashing
claws.
cloud
of
dust,
leaves,
and
fur
rose
about
them,
as
the
blood
of
the
young
tiger
spiraled
to
the
forest
floor
and
stained
it
red.
The
old
tiger
tore
mercilessly
at
the
young
tiger,
and
though
he
fought
bravely
his
wounds
pained
him
so;
he
faltered
in
fear
of
the
anguish
of
death.
The
youngster's
confidence
fading,
the
old
tiger
came
down
on
him
again
and
as
the
squirrel
covered
her
eyes;
the
hawk
shuddered
visibly;
the
panther's
eyes
widened
in
horror;
as
the
tigers
massive
jaws
came
down
over
the
throat
of
the
young
tiger
and
he
gasped;
falling
into
the
realm
of
the
hereafter.
The
old
tiger....
with
a
sickening
display
of
flesh
and
bloodied
jaws;
stood
over
his
lifeless
opponent.
For
the
longest
time
all
was
still
and
quiet.
The
lake
shimmered
in
the
heat
and
the
dust
began
to
settle
on
the
path
where
the
savage
battle
had
begun;
and
the
panther
began
to
circle
the
tiger
cautiously.
The
little
squirrel
looked
on
at
the
whole
scene
as
the
eagle;
without
a
sound;
slowly
leant
forward
and
took
to
the
air
flying
away
high
over
the
lake
in
ever
widening
circles.
The
deep
golden
eyes
of
the
panther
searched
the
tiger
for
a
sign
of
his
rage
subsiding;
while
the
hawk
looked
on
as
did
the
owl;
with
temperate
indifference.
Without
the
song
of
the
trees...with
the
wind
as
lifeless
as
the
young
tiger
lying
in
the
blood
of
his
demise;
the
reign
of
the
early
evening
heat
seemed
endless;
unforgiving.
The
hawk
watched
with
interest
and
curiosity;
while
the
squirrel
scampered
off,
as
the
tiger
turned
away.
Her
eyes
narrowing
now,
and
intent;
as
the
panther
followed
the
tiger
into
the
enveloping
shadows
of
tall
forest
trees.
Graphic
and
Story
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